Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the deal with Dogo Argentinos?

    Dogo Argentinos are the real deal! They're big, they're bold, and they're downright lovable. Originally bred in Argentina for hunting, these pups are now prized for their strength, smarts, and loyalty.

  • How big do these little guys get?

    Get ready to make room on the couch! Dogo Argentinos grow into big, cuddly companions. The guys can tip the scales at 80-100 pounds, while the gals usually clock in around 70-90 pounds.

  • Are Dogo Argentino puppies good with kiddos?

    Absolutely! These pups are like furry bodyguards for your little ones. With the right training and socializing, they'll be the best playmates your kids could ask for.

  • How active are Dogo Argentino puppies?

    These furballs have energy to spare! Daily walks, games of fetch, and maybe even a bit of tug-of-war will keep them happy and healthy. Just remember, they're still growing, so don't overdo it!

  • Can a newbie handle a Dogo Argentino pup?

    Sure thing, but buckle up for the ride! While these pups are amazing, they're not always a walk in the park for first-timers. If you're up for the challenge and ready to put in the work, you'll have a bestie for life!

  • How much grooming does my Dogo Argentino pup require?

    Not to worry, grooming these pups is a breeze! While their short coats are pretty low-maintenance, giving them a good brush now and then, along with the occasional bath, will have them looking their best. Just remember to keep those nails trimmed and their ears clean for optimal comfort and health!